Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies
I am an absolute sucker for a chocolate brownie! Before I was Coeliac it was always the dessert I chose in a restaurant and now,with this recipe, it is my go to recipe for a delicious dessert if we have guests 😀 To be honest any excuse to bake these brownies! They use quite a large amount of brown sugar which makes them lovely and fudgy! Here is how to make your tasty Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies:
- 200g/8 oz Vitalite (or butter/margarine if you don’t need to make them lactose-free)
- 150g/6 0z cocoa powder
- 300g/12 oz brown sugar
- 125g/5 oz gluten-free plain flour
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
First of all pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4/180 C and then line and grease a square 20 x 18cm tin (you can use Vitalite/ butter/margarine or oil).
Place the butter in a saucepan and allow it to melt a little before adding the cocoa powder. Once added, keep stirring until the butter has melted completely and the cocoa powder and butter are well combined.
Then, add the sugar and vanilla extract and stir it well into the butter and cocoa mixture. When fully combined remove the saucepan from the heat and mix in the flour using a wooden spoon; as soon as the flour is mixed in add the two eggs and stir again until everything is combined. Pour the chocolatey goodness into your prepared tin.
Bake for about 20 minutes until the top of the brownie is springy to touch and the top has a shine to it. Don’t test they are done by inserting a skewer because it won’t come out clean even if they are done. Leave to cool in the tin completely before you turn it out. Sift some icing sugar over the top just to finish it off then cut into small (or big!) squares and enjoy! They taste good cold or warmed up in the microwave and finished off with ice-cream or cream…amazing!
We used this recipe and the ‘Gluten Free Chocolate Cream Biscuits’ recipe at our youth group tonight and they went down a treat! We have a young girl who has coeliac disease and finding good gluten free recipes that still taste great can be pretty difficult. These two were perfect though. The recipes were easy to follow and we all agreed the results tasted great. Keep them coming! 🙂